Air India Express: A fire broke out in an Air India Express flight. The flight from Bengaluru to Kochi made an emergency landing at the Kempegowda International Airport on Saturday night. The pilot noticed that the engine was on fire. At this time there were 179 passengers and six crew on board. The plane landed safely and everyone escaped unharmed. Some were slightly injured.
Shortly after take off..
Shortly after take-off from the Bangalore airport, the crew noticed a fire in the engine. Air traffic control was immediately informed. Due to this, emergency arrangements were made at the airport. The plane landed safely at 11:12 pm. The passengers were worried when they saw the fire. The crew made an emergency landing while telling the passengers that there was no danger. Immediately after the crash landing on the runway, the passengers came out through the open exit. Some were injured in this process. But as nothing happened to anyone, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Fire engines, ambulances are ready…
The airport staff made emergency arrangements when the plane's engine caught fire. Fire engines and ambulances have been kept ready. The fire was extinguished as soon as the plane stopped. Passengers were taken from the runway to the airport in specially arranged buses.
Air India expressed regret…
Meanwhile, Air India Express has expressed regret over the flight accident. It has announced that it will investigate with the regulatory agencies. The cause of the fire will be known. Meanwhile, a fire broke out in the AC of the flight that left Delhi for Bangalore on Friday. This made an emergency landing. The next day the engine of the Bangalore plane caught fire.