Bigg Boss 8' contestant Sonia: Among the contestants who entered the Bigg Boss house this season, except for one or two, all the contestants are not familiar to the audience. Those who follow the social media regularly are familiar with the contestants who seem new to the regular audience today. But there are also contestants in this season who are unknown even to those who follow social media. One such person is Sonia. This girl from Mantha region of Telangana seemed like a fire brand from the day she entered the house. She is seen as a girl who says what is on her mind bluntly, but her minus point is that she overreacts to some unnecessary things. She made a lot of fuss in the nominations yesterday.
But before she entered the house, famous director Ram Gopal Varma greeted Sonia through live video chat, which surprised the audience. What is Ram Gopal Varma's wish for this new looking girl?, was there a good friendship between the two earlier?, or is she a relative of Ram Gopal Varma?, various suspicions have arisen. However, she previously acted as heroine in films like 'Corona Virus' and 'Asha Encounter' directed by Ram Gopal Varma. Similarly, she appeared in the role of the heroine's sister in the film 'Georgi Reddy'. Since she did two films with Varma, she developed a good rapport with him. Both used to go to private parties and pubs together on weekends.
Ram Gopal Varma wished her to enter the Bigg Boss house and be successful with the connection between the two of them. But as this girl is not well known to the audience, there are high chances of her elimination this week. This week she entered the nominations. According to the polling that is going on in social media, it is at the end of all the reliable sources. If she gets a chance to play this week, she will have a chance to prove herself. We all know what kind of romantic chit chat Ram Gopal Varma had with Ariana and Ashu Reddy after coming out of the Bigg Boss house in the past. He also kissed Ashu Reddy several times. Videos related to them are still trending. It remains to be seen whether Sonia is going to plan such a chit chat with Ram Gopal Varma when she goes out.