Bigg Boss 8 Telugu: Most of the contestants who entered the Bigg Boss house this season are the ones who have gained popularity on social media. As a result, the start of this season is not as great as expected compared to the start of last season. Bigg Boss started the script to increase the heat in the house by creating quarrels from the first day, but it was well understood by the audience. If you look at these past two episodes, you can understand that this season is not progressing as naturally as last season. Otherwise, the contestant who entered the house with social media popularity this season is Naga Manikantha. He has also done many TV serials in Star Maa channel, but he did not get the recognition he expected.
Manikantha, who looks very glamorous to watch, moved the audience to tears by telling his flashback in the very first episode. Currently he is being targeted by all the house mates and his popularity has increased on social media. “I don't know how to play the game with everyone nominating him today,” he cried, shocking everyone by exposing his true nature. So far that real look is nothing but the hair on his netty is not real but he is using a wig. In emotion, he put his wig over his face and the audience was shocked to see his look. The front hair on his netty is very short, he wears that wig just to make himself look good on TV. The audience was shocked when he took off the wig and threw it aside. Because the wig was very natural before, it didn't feel like a real wig.
We keep seeing many guys losing their hair at an early age, but Naga Manikantha is very young and his entire hair is falling out. Seeing his looks, the girls on social media went crazy from the first day, and there are many who are fixed to support him this season. Unfortunately, what is their situation now, will they accept Naga Manikantha in this look?, will they support him till the end of the season? It should also be seen whether Naga Manikantha, who is in the nominations this week, will be saved.