Bigg Boss 8 Telugu: Bigg Boss Telugu 8 started on September 1. The grand launch event was held under the patronage of the host Nagarjuna. Bejawada Bebakka, Naga Manikantha, Vishnupriya, Prithviraj, Yashmi Gowda, Prerna, Nikhil, Aditya Om, Abhay Naveen, Sonia Akula, Nainika, Shekhar Bhasha, Kirak Sita, Nabeel Afridi… have been selected as contestants. Only 14 people are in the list of contestants. Vishnupriya and Aditya Om are the only two familiar faces. The audience was a bit disappointed with the contestants.
The nomination process which started on Monday is over. Six contestants have been nominated for the first week. Vishnupriya, Naga Manikantha, Bejawada Bebakka, Shekhar Bhasha, Sonia Akula, Prithviraj are in the nominations list. It is known that the elimination will be based on audience voting.
But according to the information received till now, unexpected results have come in the voting. Vishnupriya is the title favorite. Popular anchor cum Actress. She polled a large number of votes. More than forty percent votes were polled only for Vishnu Priya. Naga Manikantha in the second place is an unexpected result.
Naga Manikantha is being trolled profusely as if he is playing sympathy game. However, it is clear from the voting results that Naga Manikantha has a following among the audience. On the third place is Naga Panchami serial actor Prithviraj.
Sonia Akula, Bebakka and Shekhar Bhasha are in the danger zone. These three are in the last three places with a small difference of votes. It is advertised that Beybakka is more likely to be eliminated. But her behavior and speech are mature. Avoids dramas like crying and crying. She got positivity in the audience. At the same time there is some negativity on Sonia leaves.
Sonia Akula, who has given herself the title of Lady Tiger, feels like she is overreacting a bit. And Shekhar Basha is trying to make his own comedy. Some people are trolling as jokes. Some are praising her as the only contestant who focused on comedy this season. In total, one of Bebakka, Shekhar Bhasha and Sonia Akula will be eliminated.