Chanakya Niti: Indian marriage is well recognized. Considered very sacred. Chanakya has said a lot about Hindu marriage in his Chanakya Neethi. In this sequence, he explains how the husband's life is destroyed due to some habits of the wife.
If the wife thinks..
A married woman is the backbone of the family as a wife and daughter-in-law. If the relationship between husband and wife is good, the family is also good. The wife can remove the bad habits of the husband with good behavior. Can turn failures into success. But if the wife's behavior is strange then everyone in the family will face the consequences. Husband's life will also be destroyed. If the wife's role in the family is not right, then one has to face a lot of difficulties. According to Chanaka, the family will be destroyed by six habits. Let's see that.
Lack of control over words
According to Chanakyaniti, a wife should control her words. Using harsh words can harm the husband. Such women do not care about other people's feelings. Others will also distance themselves from you.
Very angry..
Anger is human nature. When one's behavior is angry, it makes life difficult for the people around him, so if the wife's anger is reduced, the family will be happy. The husband faces difficulties with the wife who is too much for him.
A quarrelsome wife
There is no comfort with a quarrelsome wife at home. The whole generation has to follow the results of such a wife's behavior. Children with such a woman are not taught good qualities. They bring rifts in families. Personal loss.
Lying wife..
Some women lie for their own sake. Chanakya gets used to others from those who have this habit. Women also do not hesitate to lie to avoid certain situations. Betrayal is also done. The husband is also wronged.
Cheating women
Some women are bold in cheating. According to Chanakya frauds are committed for selfish reasons. Husbands and families will have problems with such people. Be careful.
greedy for money
The husband also faces problems with women who are greedy for money. Husband will have problems with women who go in wrong ways for money. The future of the family will be destroyed.