Delhi Liquor Scam: Arrested in the Delhi Liquor Scam… Bharat Rashtra Samithi MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha, who is under investigation by the enforcement officials, approached the Supreme Court on Tuesday. An important request was made. “My mother and sons should be allowed to meet,” he asked. To this extent, lawyers on behalf of Kavitha filed a petition in Rouse Avenue Court on Tuesday. Kavitha pleaded to the court that she wants to meet her mother Shobha, sons Aditya, Arya, sisters Akhila, Soumya, Vinuta and brother Prashant Reddy. In this order, the court said OK for Kavitha to meet her mother, sons and family members.
On the day the enforcement officials arrested Kavitha, the court allowed her to meet her husband Anil, brother-in-law Harish Rao, brother KTR, other brothers Praneet Kumar, Sridhar and personal assistant Sarath Chandra. Currently, she will be in ED custody for a week. Two days have already passed. The court allowed Kavitha to meet her relatives from 6 to 7 pm every day during her custody. However, meeting more people will make the investigation difficult. The court was reminded that earlier brother KTR, her mother, sons and sisters Akhila, Soumya, Vinuta and brother Prashanth Reddy were allowed to meet. Lawyers on behalf of Kavitha asked for orders to be issued to meet whoever was allowed earlier. The court agreed with this.
Lawyers on behalf of Kavitha filed a complaint in the Supreme Court on Monday that she was arrested without reason in a case related to liquor policy in Delhi. He reminded that the case is being investigated in the Supreme Court. However, they mentioned in the petition that they were arrested by the authorities. Lawyers on behalf of Kavitha reminded the court that the ED lawyer had told the court not to issue summons to her during the trial. A lawyer on behalf of Kavitha has filed an online petition to take action against the ED officials who have committed contempt of court. A hearing on this is going on in the Supreme Court on Tuesday. The court will give the final verdict in a few hours.