Delhi liquor scam: An unexpected twist took place in the Delhi liquor scam case on Sunday. The central investigation agencies, which till recently investigated Kavitha in this case, recently declared her as an accused. Notices have been served to appear on February 26. In the background, there was a campaign that Kavitha would be interrogated and arrested on Monday. In the past, central investigation agencies have acted in the same way in the case of Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, Gorantla Buchibabu and Magunta Raghava. Will you attend Kavitha's trial on Monday? Or? Bharat Rashtra Samithi MLC Kavitha has unexpectedly written a letter to the Central Investigation Agency as the questions continue.
Kavitha told the CBI that she will not attend the hearing on Monday.. She wrote a letter to the CBI on Sunday. She mentioned several key points in it. In that letter, she sought cancellation of notices issued under Section 41-A of CrPC. He made it clear to the CBI officials that he would not be able to attend the investigation in view of the pre-arranged programs. Kavitha stated that he will be available virtually for the CBI investigation. She declared that it was not proper to issue notices to her under Section 41 – A of CrPC. “Earlier you issued a notice under Section – 160. Yesterday notices were given under 41-A. So far it is not clear under what circumstances you have given notices under 41-A. I don't even understand why the notices were given. This is infringing on my personal, constitutional rights. Taking away my democratic freedom. I have no part in the charges you are making. Moreover, the case filed by me is pending in the Supreme Court,” Kavitha stated in the letter.
“Earlier I approached the Supreme Court against the notices given to me by ED. The case is still pending in the Supreme Court. The Additional Solicitor General announced that I will not be called as a witness in the Supreme Court. The assurance given by him in Supreme Court also applies to CBI. I fully cooperated when the CBI team came to my house earlier. If CBI investigates, I will cooperate at any time. But what is calling me now after a gap of 15 months? Moreover, compared to the past, now the sections have been changed. Our party entrusted me with some responsibilities in the wake of the parliamentary elections. Election campaign and meeting schedule has also been finalised. The next six weeks will be very busy for me. Because of that, I will not be able to attend tomorrow's hearing,” Kavitha said in the letter. Meanwhile, it has become interesting to see what steps the CBI will take in the wake of Kavita's letter.