Koneti Adimulam: Even three months after the TDP, Janasena and BJP governments were formed in Andhra Pradesh, the party MLAs are facing many allegations. Dharmavaram TDP leader JP Prabhakar Reddy has accused the leaders of his own party on the sand danda. And articles are coming in the newspapers that many irregularities are being committed. Recently, sexual allegations were made against TDP Satyavedu MLA Koneti Adimul. It is known that a woman has accused Adimul of sexually harassing her. Taking these allegations of sexual harassment seriously, the TDP leadership initiated action against him. The decision was taken by suspending him from the party. The suspension was part of the party's disciplinary measures for misbehaving with a woman. Party state president Palla Srinivasa Rao announced this.
On own party leader..
Meanwhile, the victim herself said that Varalakshmi, the president of the women's section of Adimulam Satyavedu constituency, was sexually assaulted. She alleged that they threatened to kill her if she told anyone. She revealed that she took a video on a pen camera so that everyone would know about the MLA. She revealed in the presence of the media that she has strong evidence that he has called her several times. He said that despite complaining to party chief CM Chandrababu Naidu, his son, Minister Lokesh about the same, there was no response, so all these matters had to be revealed in an unfortunate situation.
While participating in party activities..
As both belong to the same party, it is a week where both participate in party activities. She said that after a few days they took my phone number and started calling me repeatedly. They addressed me as a sister until the end of the elections. After that he revealed his true nature. They threatened to be close to him. She expressed her concern that if they do not listen to her, they will kill her husband and two children and will not get any benefit from the party. The party took action against him on these allegations.
Heart attack from the beginning..
Meanwhile, Adimul, who was suspended, was under severe mental pressure. In the process, he suffered a heart attack and was taken to Apollo Hospital in Chennai by his family members. It seems that the doctors gave him a stunt. Adimulam's health is reported to be stable at present.