Maldives: Pakistan's number is gone. Sri Lanka is begging for Dehi. It seems like there is no stopping in Myanmar. Nepal is in economic trouble. Not only these but there are many other countries. All this is to maintain friendship with China. A field infested with locusts.. There is no country in history that has joined hands with China. Maldives recently made friendship with China. Earlier, Maldives President Muizhu visited China. Within a few days of that, the country began to face an economic crisis. The International Monetary Fund has been asked to announce a bail out to get out of financial trouble.
When the Prime Minister visited Lakshadweep at the end of last year, he posted photos related to it on social media. He asked to visit Lakshadweep. With this, the ministers of the Maldives made tweets. This led to controversy. After that, Indian netizens reacted and it got a little bit worse. As a result Indians stopped going to Maldives. Due to this, the country is losing tourism. Most of the companies have gone bankrupt or gone bankrupt. The opposition there started agitating, accusing Muizzu's policies as the reason for the country's economic loss. Recently, the opposition raised slogans against the government in the parliament. However, Muizzou did not back down. Moreover, he is going further to make friendship with China. Muizzu, who had already ordered the Indian army to withdraw from his country, also set a deadline for that.
Muizzu who ordered the Indian army to retreat.. signed an agreement with China.. China also came forward to provide military assistance. An agreement was also concluded as part of this. It is remarkable that the leaders of both the countries have declared that we will be strengthened with this agreement.. So, the countries of the world are talking about the alliance of these two countries. Netizens are commenting that “how many difficulties will be faced in friendship with China, if you look at the countries of Pakistan and Sri Lanka… the President of Maldives is not even that comfortable”.