Bath : Some people are not happy no matter how much money they make. No matter how hard you try, you will not achieve what you want. The reason for that is the negative energy in the house. As long as there is a situation like this around, the planned work is not possible. In order to get rid of such things, some things have to be done according to Vastu Shastra. Vastushastra experts say that these things must be done after bathing especially if the house is to be happy. If we go into the details..
Personal hygiene is essential to stay healthy every day. A bath must be done as part of this. By taking a bath, many organs of the body move and become healthy. At the same time, the surrounding environment becomes pleasant due to cleanliness. But after taking a bath some things must be done to keep the environment calm. What is that?
Turmeric water should be sprinkled at home after bathing. By sprinkling it, negative energy is lost. Moreover, turmeric works as an antiseptic and cleans any contamination in the environment. Also sprinkle salt water after bathing. Even with salt water it changes from a bad environment to a clean environment. Moreover, the properties of salt prevent evil eye from falling on the house.
After bathing Ganga water should be sprinkled in the house after lighting the lamps in the pooja room. Ganga water is obtained from nature. These have Ayurvedic properties. Sprinkling these at home will make everything better. Especially by spraying through the face of the house no bad atmosphere enters the house. Hence these must be done after bathing.