Pawan Kalyan OG: Pawan Kalyan, who entered the Telugu film industry as the younger brother of Megastar Chiranjeevi, has earned a unique identity as a 'power star' in a very short time. And we know that every film he is doing in this context is creating a huge boom in the industry. And now he is continuing his duties as AP Deputy CM and moving forward. Recently, on the occasion of his birthday, the movie Gabbar Singh was re-released. It got a great response from the audience and fans. If this is the case, we know that currently Pawan Kalyan has three films on the sets. It seems that the intention is to finish and release these three films soon. Many of us do not know that the Bollywood audience is also eagerly waiting for Ozzy's movie.
In fact, if we have seen the teaser of OG, not only it is very stylish but also the powerful dialogues in it have entertained the Bollywood audience. That's why they are eagerly waiting for this movie. And as they are waiting, it is also to be known whether Pawan Kalyan will achieve huge success with this movie or not.
Even though he has not done a single pan-Indian film till now, the prime minister of our country, Narendra Modi, spoke very highly of Pawan Kalyan during the elections, but he got a huge craze in pan-India. That is why the Bollywood audience is eagerly waiting for Ozzy's movie.
It seems that this movie is going to have action episodes like Pawan Kalyan. Also, they are expressing their opinion that the Bollywood audience will also like this movie very much and they will enjoy watching this movie very much. Because Pawan Kalyan also has good hopes for this movie… and there is no proper clarity on when this movie will be released but it is known that Pawan Kalyan is going to participate in the shooting of this movie very soon…