Pawan Kalyan: In Pithapuram, people are paying tribute to Pawan Kalyan. It is known that he has been campaigning in the Pithapuram constituency for the last three days. Consecutive visits are being made in four mandals of the constituency. Along with the SC colonies, they are mixing with the people in the coastal villages. Not even counting the scorching sun. People are also getting emotional seeing Pawan. They invite themselves to their village and their home. Pawan also has a lot of patience to meet everyone and take pictures with them. The ruling party is shocked to see the large number of people flocking to Pawan's visit.
In the past, Pawan Kalyan did not give such priority to the constituency he is going to contest. In the last election, Pawan contested in Bhimavaram along with Gajuwaka. They are limited to open meetings in their own constituencies. At the same time, YSP tightened its grip. At that time, another opposition party, TDP, also split votes heavily. Due to this, Pawan faced defeat in two places. That is why Pawan is taking precautions this time. A plan was made to touch every village in the four mandals of Pithapuram constituency. For the last three days, he has been wandering around the constituency without a moment's leisure.
But Pawan is directly connecting with people. Finally, they are going directly to the people in SC villages as well. They are flirting with them for a while. Taking selfies. There is a kind of satisfaction in everyone with this. He is determined to vote for Pawan, and no one else is listening to him. Naturally, this is a source of confusion for the ruling party. With over 90,000 Kapu voters, TDP's organizational strength, Pawan craze, government failure, etc., Jana Sena is likely to get a majority of one lakh votes here. That's why analysts are of the opinion that Pawan has received a new pallavi saying 'Majority of one million' again and again. On the whole, Pawan's campaign style in Pithapuram seems to be the same.