Pawan Kalyan: Heavy rains fell in two Telugu states after the low pressure formed in the Bay of Bengal last Saturday turned into a cyclone. Due to this, streams and bends overflowed. The combined districts of Khammam and Mahbubnagar in Telangana and Vijayawada in AP were affected by the floods. 40 percent of the city of Vijayawada was submerged due to the overflow of Budameru. Due to the flooding of Munner, roads and farmers' routes in Khammam town and district were cut off. Crops were washed away. Life was chaotic. The transport system between the two states was paralyzed. Now the water is receding in the flooded Vijayawada. Due to this, corpses float up along with garbage and mud. People are cleaning their houses because they have not been able to get proper food, fresh water and sleep for four days. People of some colonies are still waiting for help. Those in camps are going home now. On the other hand, leaders, officials and support staff are providing their support to the people. AP CM Chandrababu Naidu has already visited the flood affected areas for four consecutive days. He inquired about the problems of the people. Steps are being taken to get the necessary help. Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan also visited flood-affected Vijayawada on Thursday (September 5). On this occasion, many victims expressed their feelings. An old woman from Aakiveedu came to the Deputy Chief Minister in search of him and vented her troubles. Hearing her cry, Jasa soldier approached the old lady.
Having lunch.. Knowing the problems..
Kankanala Krishnaveni, a 75-year-old woman from Aakiveedu, came to Vijayawada in search of Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan to share her family's problems. In the afternoon, she sat outside the gate knowing that Panchayati Raj was coming to the Commissionerate. After the meeting, Pawan Kalyan was shocked to see the condition of the old lady who came forward to express her grief. He wondered when the old woman had eaten.. His staff picked her up in the vehicle and took her to his office. After giving her food, she heard the problems.
That the husband is dead..
The husband of Kankanala Krishnaveni of Cheyanagaram area of Akiveedu passed away. Muttiah, the only son, is supporting the family by selling toys. He lives in a leaf shed. Her old age pension is sufficient for the medicines. Although there is land for the house, she cannot afford to build a house, her son's financial condition is not good, so she begs him to build a house. The Deputy CM responded and ordered his office staff to report the sufferings of this old woman to the West Godavari District Collector. Akiveedu made it clear that Krishnaveni should be carefully sent to her and handed over to her son.
Krishnaveni problems for collector's attention..
As per the instructions of Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan, Peshi officials spoke to the District Collector of West Godavari. Details provided. Similarly, Krishnaveni was taken to Aakiveedu in a special vehicle and handed over to her son Muttaiah. On the orders of Collector CH.Nagarani, the officials of the Housing Department inspected the land in Survey No. 1896 of Uppanapudi Layout in Krishnaveniki Akiveedu on Thursday morning. Necessary funds were granted for the construction of the house there. The authorities have also made adequate arrangements for the construction to take place immediately.