Ram Charan: Currently Ram Charan is doing a movie called Game Changer under the direction of Shankar. And in the background of this movie getting ready for release soon, Buchibabu is getting ready to do another movie after this movie. Also, this movie would have gone on the sets already if everything was completed but because of the delay of Game Changer movie, that effect will affect this movie.
Recently, Buchi Babu has told Ram Charan the entire final version of this movie. So Ram Charan had some doubts in this story. Ram Charan Sukumar was called as he was not satisfied with Buchi Babu's clarity. And with Sukumar then giving a clarity to it, Ram Charan seems to have faith in this story again. But even though a final version has already been told, Ram Charan asked to add some changes in it, but Buchi Babu again changed the story a bit.
But as Charan has some doubts about this too, it seems that Sukumar has stepped in to give him clarity. And in this background, there are doubts whether Buchi Babu can handle Ram Charan's stardom or not. All in all, they are looking to achieve huge success with this movie.
It remains to be seen what kind of success they will achieve with this movie. Buchibabu has been saying in some events that the stage of this movie will be beyond the cinema. And to know whether this movie will be according to that or not, we have to wait until the release of this movie…