Vasthu Tips : Many people think of making money. They are working day and night for this. But the required money does not come. Others do small jobs and accumulate a lot of money. Because of this, those who don't have money are jealous of those who have it. They feel that no matter how hard they try, why is it not coming? But those who work hard to earn money do not care about some things related to the house. Therefore, if some things in the house are not according to Vastu, no matter how hard they work, money will not accumulate. But many people don't care about Vastu that it is not their own house but a rented house. But if any house is not according to Vastu, there will be no wealth in the house. And if there is no money in the house, know if there are such mistakes..
Stairs must be built in every house now. Stairs are a must to climb up. But if these stairs are according to Vaastu then the house will be auspicious. That means there should never be stairs facing the main entrance of the house. Because of this, someone is always sick in the house. A washroom is a must in every house. It should not be placed in the north-east under any circumstances. There will always be financial problems in the family due to the presence of the washroom in this sanyam.
Due to some reasons, even if it is a big house, a single door is being installed. Thus, when there are two doors to the main door, to open one door, the door on the right side should be kept open. Be it own house or rented house, the guest room should always be in north-west direction. Because of that, everything goes well in the house. Always make sure that the doors are level. Being in odd number will cause losses.
A house is arranged by the principal in the east or north direction. If the main gate is established on the east side then the north side should be kept free. If there is a main entrance on the north side then leave an empty space on the east side. By keeping it like this, the Vastu of the house will be correct.
If the house is to be good, just like the doors, the windows should be arranged according to Vastu. But these windows should open outwards. Due to this, they will have no trouble at home. Also they are free from any financial problems. If you don't have a house according to this material, you will always face problems in that house. Vastu experts say that one should engage in outside work only after tidying up the house.
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