Wedding Night; Marriage is an experience for everyone in life. The action that follows gives a sense of sweetness. Many young people are excited about the beauty that comes after marriage. Many dream about it. Some people think to enjoy three nights after marriage. But if some people enjoy these three days, others feel disappointed. Anyway, in one place, these three nights feel like hell. In a region, these three nights are like madhuranubhuti deveru for them.. When will those days pass? They will feel sad. So what is the point?
People living in different parts of the world follow different customs. Especially in the matter of marriage, the practices of some regions are very strange. In India these three days after the wedding are enjoyed by going to a special place. Others enjoy staying at home. But in a country, they live very strangely. They should not urinate for these three nights.
Borneo Island is the largest island in Asia. This island in the eastern part of Samatra Islands has not been recognized as a separate country till now. But it is dominated by Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia. The area is famous for tourism. But the customs followed by the people here are strange. Here, married people are locked in the same room for three nights to beautify themselves.
Some young people may think that they can enjoy being bound like this. But they don't give that chance. Because those who enter this room should at least not urinate. Do not give a chance to defecate. But they give an opportunity to do beauty. How is that possible? But some ancestors have established this new custom because their children die after marriage. By doing this they think their life will be happy. But doctors say that doing this can make you sick.