WhatsApp: WhatsApp's parent company Beta is always rolling out new features to attract users. Many features have already come according to the preferences and needs of the users. From photos to videos, it has added the ability to send in HD format. Security related features have also been implemented. A new feature will be made available with the possibility to clear the latest message. What is that?
Today there are hundreds of groups in every WhatsApp. It is becoming difficult to know which message is coming in which group. Due to this many people are exiting from unnecessary groups. But there is a need for people doing jobs and business to stay in groups for some needs. In this background, the facility of deleting the unnecessary messages received in the group and keeping the important ones will be made available.
According to the new feature, it is possible to clear all unread and unnecessary messages in WhatsApp at once. It will be tested on Android phones first. WhatsApp needs to be updated for this to be available. After that, if you give a mark as Clear unread items on the notification option in WhatsApp settings, they will be cleared automatically. Due to this, there is no problem with unwanted messages.
The beta said it would be useful for those with large groups. But for now it is still in testing phase. It will be made available soon. However, some people are commenting that sometimes even important messages are in danger of being cleared. But it remains to be seen how it will be useful once it becomes available.